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Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013


ClubHack, India’s first International Security Conference is set for it’s 5th hacker show on coming December 2011 at pune, India.
Update (29th Nov 2011) – Just few days to go for the show, ClubHack has launched preCON CTF that includes Treasure Hunt as well, follow the link –

ClubHack is a NOT-FOR-PROFIT initiative mainly driven by the members to bring security awareness in everyone making it a common sense. It aims at making technology users aware of the risks associated with cyber transactions as well as the security measures.
Last year, ClubHack 2010 witnessed greater number of participation from local as well as international participants with the event being inaugurated by none other than ‘Bruce Schneier’ making it most successful.
This year it is expected to reach out to more audiences with spirited tracks from speakers all around the world. In addition to this, it also features Panel Discussions on hot topics, Workshops by industry experts, Hacker games like Capture the Flag etc.
Conf Highlights
  • CFP Open: 31st July
  • CFP Close: 15th October
  • Event: 3rd and 4th December
  • Location: ‘The O Hotel’, Pune, India
Call for papers is already open on variety of latest security topics including Mobile/Cloud Security, Cyber warfare, Hardware mods, Forensics, Cyber Crime & law. If you would like to speak, then you have to hurry up as it is closing soon.
Being media partner, ClubHack has given the special discount for our readers. To avail this exclusive offer, during registration use the discount code SXP.
For more exciting details and registrations, visit